Pet Nutrition

Nutrition Consultation

Virtual Consulting by Phone, Zoom or Google Meet Allows me to help pet guardians anywhere in the World.

 Dr. Casey’s passion is nutrition consulting; a healthy gut and quality nutrition are the foundation for a healthy life. 

Seventy percent of the immune system lives in the gut. Our guts are exposed to some of everything that exists outside of our body.
That is why it is a sealed tube; it protects the rest of our immune system from the disaster that would occur from constant exposure to foreign material. The wrong food plus inflammation can cause leaky gut. When our guts leak, the rest of the body is negatively impacted also.

When the soil is healthy, the bacteria in the soil are healthy, our food is healthy and so on.
The majority of the bacteria in our bodies contain 99% of the DNA and control many of the hormones. The bacteria produce hormones, fatty acids, vitamins and cofactors for the chemical reactions that affect mood, behavior, energy and overall health. They also compete with the bacteria that could do harm if the system gets out of balance.

Our bodies are quite literally walking sacks of bacteria. We absolutely depend on bacteria for our health. If we take good care of our guts, our guts do the heavy lifting for the rest of our body. Nature is magnificent by design.

 Wellness is derived from harmony and balance within the body, as well as, the harmony and balance of the individual with nature. What we eat directly affects our balance with nature. Our soil becomes our food, whether it's plant or meat based, then our food becomes our bodies. Gut health and quality nutrition are fundamental for a healthy life, which is why I offer pet nutrition consults.

Dr. Casey strives to provide a customized experience for each patient and pet guardian. The plan has to align with the pet guardian's preferences and philosophies, while being acceptable to the patient.

Nutritional Consult includes:

• A full review and summary of all medical records (records provided by you or your vet)

• A 45 minute consult by phone, Zoom or Google Meet (your preference)

• A full written summary of our discussion and my recommendations.

Diet Formulation

• The diet recipe is usually for 7 days worth of food which can be frozen in daily portions and thawed as needed during the week

• Full instructions for preparation

• Sourcing information for all ingredients

• First month which includes full email access with answers provided usually the same day, but otherwise within a 24 hour period.

• Minor adjustments to the formulation as needed based on your pet’s response within the first 30 days.

If your dog or cat is overweight or arthritic, has cancer, struggles with allergies, cystitis, pancreatitis, diabetes, Cushing’s disease or other inflammatory condition or if you are at the vet 3 or more times a year, a nutrition consult is for you.

 ****To Schedule A Consult, Send Me A Message, Then Request A Booking. I will email new patient forms for you to complete and return. I need the patient's' medical records emailed to me by you or your regular veterinarian. I will contact you to confirm the day/time of the virtual consultation. 


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